Wednesday, December 24, 2014
In Anticipation of the Holiest of Nights
As we approach Christmas Day....Christmas Eve is that night of wonder. The night of anticipation as the wise men headed toward the Messiah the King of Kings...wrapped in swaddling clothes.
A beautiful helpless baby awaits in Bethelehem. I am sure this baby-God was different and special. I wonder how developed his motor skills were and what kind of assimilation HE had.
I say this because I as a mere mortal have many memories of being a baby. I have memories of seeing and feeling my arms gyrating about as I had little control over them. I remember feeling as if my head had some cotton in it.
I remember many cynical thoughts and the desire to control my environment and my body.
So how was my Lord? I can't even begin to imagine. John the Baptist lept in Elizabeth's womb at perceiving Jesus at scarcely what was weeks or 1 to 2 months old in Mary's womb.
Amazing facts were relayed in oral tradition and the written, but they are not unfathomable. This holy night makes me reflect on how Mary gave birth. Without a hospital or a midwife, she gave birth. How was this childbirth different and how was it the same?
So many questions about the holiest night that ever was. When God became Man. He started differently, with no male DNA but a heavenly one had begotten him. He had Mary's DNA and her DNA was not typical either. As Catholic's we believe she was immaculately conceived. The only human to be since the fall. And this so she could house God in man. True man and True God...something simple and yet hard to comprehend.
But this miracle was our biggest Joy. We saw God act in the flesh. We saw him heal, raise the dead, pray fervently, commune with sinners and teach with parables, with authority and humility. We saw him finally embrace the ultimate sacrifice of love. Not just death, but humiliation, emotional, physical mental and spiritual suffering. Thru that act he triumphed and we win because of it.
But I am getting ahead of myself. Tonight we await. The birth of a babe, a sweet, dependent and humble baby. We await that magical moment of mother and child embracing and Joseph hovering in protection. Joseph was destined to be Jesus adoptive father...the lineage predicted it so.
And so this most holy of nights, I reflect on this holy family and I am so grateful and humbled at all their faith and sacrifice. Their love for God, prepared them to love each other and have the most awesome responsibility and privilege to take care of and nurture their Savior.
And Love does that doesn't it? It saves us, it redeems us. If Salvation came thru a babe, then we are now the heirs. We are now responsible and privileged to help continue the salvific and redemptive plan. As we graft ourselves to HIM, we continue HIS work.
And what a wondrous start as we are born again in remembering HIS birth and waiting in awe, vulnerability and humility. We are graced to witness God and HIS Love with unspeakable joy. May this awe filled and holy Christmas Eve grace us with the gift of deep abiding Salvific and Redemptive Love.
May we continue HIS plan, HIS play, HIS art in the unfolding drama and joy that Love is. Let us humbly await and embrace the Great "I am" in preparation to follow and surrender to his Lead of Love with even deeper grace In Anticipation of the Holiest of Nights.
Labels: Christ, Christmas Eve, Feliz, Feliz Navidad, God, Grace, Holy Night, Jesus, Love, Mary, Noche Buena, Redemption, salvation, the Great I am
Monday, November 24, 2014
Give Thanks for it is Right and Just
So I am doing the Southern California equivalent thing with my blog.:-) I am at Manhatten Beach awaiting a sunset and its 70 degrees the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Truly I am blessed. I am blessed to call two marvelous places home in what arguably is the best state in the country. Which segways me into the theme of this blog.
Last year I made a new years resolution to attend daily mass. Of course I have missed a few but by and large and certainly of late I have made it pretty much every single time. And why do I mention this?
P: "Let us give thanks to the Lord our God." C: "It is right and just." P: It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks through your beloved son Jesus Christ." These are the words I utter and hear daily at mass.
These words are so deep and true that I can not give them justice in a simple blog. Simply put we are designed to give thanks and yielding to this desire brings us joy and conversely thwarting that is to our detriment.
It is great that we have a national holiday reminding us to give thanks. But I would suggest it should be a daily reminder and even a moment to moment reminder. Every breath we take is a gift, every meal, every experience, every person and every good thought is a gift:-) Imagine giving thanks for our good thoughts too?
I am reminded of two real life experiences that I have been graced to be acquainted with. One is an Australian man named Nick Vujicic who was born without arms and legs. Certainly not the ideal physical condition. But it’s what he does with that is what shows is what reality is and that gratefulness will lead us to that heavenly kingdom. I have attached a link on him as my description would not do him justice. Here is one of his briefest videos.
Then saw an African American young man who was born without arms and had a dream of being an engineer for a racing company. He achieved his goals and learned to type with his feet. He was grateful for his gifts and pursued them. Here is a brief your tube story on him.
Could it be as simple as that? Be grateful for your gifts and give thanks and praise by maximizing the most. The alternative is focusing on what you lack and feeling badly about it or complaining about it. Fixing it you say? I would dare say that is a gift...fixing what you or others lack. We can resolve to help those who celebrate Thanksgiving only by our generosity or praying for those who don’t or can’t celebrate it, even if they want to. That is being thankful.
When we tune into the Lord the giver of all good gifts and give HIM thanks and praise our lives become a mirror of that. And what greater joy could our Heavenly Father have than to see you using your gifts and asking for his graces. What you end up doing for HIM and his Glory will in turn glorify you. I would dare say HE delights in this.
So this thanksgiving when you gather around table with the Turkey and the trimmings with family and the friends...pause for a moment and give thanks to God for so many daily things..even the things that seem like they are not good..for behold HE can turn any situation around for your good if you let Him. Invite God in, in your joys and in your pains. It does not matter whether you got yourself into the mess by your own fault or if you are the victim of a senseless act or born a certain way...invite HIM in and what follows from you will surprise you. And please don’t forgot to give God HIS due and Give Thanks.
Labels: always, duty, every moment., everywhere, gifts. glory, God, grateful, Jesus Christ, Just, Lord, Right, salvation, Thanks, Thanksgiving
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Choose the Gospel because it brings Joy always
Do you know you cannot serve two masters? Money or Love. Fear or Love. If you serve God and Love...the rest falls into place.
A theme that has come up often lately is preaching and acting one way at mass and religious activities and then acting different in different settings outside in the world. We can even preach to ourselves but if we don't truly believe it or embrace it with our hearts, this dichotomy will happen.
I think as humans we lie to ourselves too much. Sometimes we lie to ourselves and put false limits on our abilities and capacity to love. Sometimes we lie to ourselves and say the behavior of loving neighbor as self or loving our enemy brings joy but our practical lives more often say the opposite. Sometimes we are open about our gratitude and praise of God in religious circles, on facebook but not on the job or when we are around people we do not think share our faith.
I am guilty of this in spades. But the beauty is that if it is true, (hint: it is), then you can change and test the concept out. Test it out when it is least likely to work or in a new situation or as a new reaction. Keep it up for an hour, then for a day and then a week and see what happens. If your new behavior rewards you by feeling peace, love and perhaps a better relationship then your belief will change..ever so slowly but surely.
That deep belief that just knows. Like the belief you have that the sun will rise again the next day. Do you ever have doubt the sun will rise? I think deep belief that has been rewarded is real belief but it has to happen as consistently as the sun rising every day.
It does not always mean you will be rewarded with expected or external outcomes 100% of the time. But I have a feeling the internal peace will always be there. Because the reward is predicated on what works internally for internal motivations, the external will be there and it comes and goes but your behavior will bring you peace.
It is also such a nice way to treat ourselves. Not believing we are our mistakes. Making reparations and repenting when we deceive ourselves and/or others by preaching one action and doing another, making a promise based on a feeling and failing to live it up to it, breaking our commitments and promises and the list goes on.
We have to be honest and then we have to choose to love by how that looks for the moment.
I had a conversation recently with someone on how some people who claim to have no faith oftentimes are humbler, kinder and better at living the faith then we who are religious. We both said embarrassing.
Too dating has taught me this. It does not matter if someone goes to church weekly, daily, says the rosary every night or goes to adoration every day. This in and of itself does not make you a truly loving person, a person who knows their heart and can speak truth from it and live up to it. A person who sees the dignity of another and has the courage to do the right thing. It has not been true of me nor the gentlemen I have dated.
So what I am not advocating is giving up religious practice but to bring that practice into your life fully. When you think no-one is seeing you or when you are faced with a less than a holy action from a random stranger or someone close to you. If you don't have the strength, say a prayer.
Once we are honest about our own hypocrisy we can then turn to God and He can help us make the changes that are sometimes small ones and sometimes big ones. Take your words seriously, take your actions seriously, and take your thoughts seriously. Put them all on God.
God's grace can cover a lot and Jesus has indeed redeemed us but if we really believe in the heavenly banquet then all the more reason to share it and let the love flow. It is the most beautiful gift you can give to God. Receiving his love and forgiveness and loving Him and then mirroring that love and forgiveness to others and by consequence to yourself and getting it back. Even if all you can do is pray for someone because you are afraid to love more, because there is a riff, because someone is your enemy..its a start and God will give you strength for more. And the biggest challenge is loving when you suffer or see others suffer, turning more toward God more toward love...there will still be joy when the tears clear.
Have faith the future is bright here and our eternal destiny is in an even more beautiful and loving place with the Almighty who is Love and designed us for this. Choose the good news, the Gospel because it brings Joy always.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Angels, Our Heavenly Messengers
Today is the feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael the Archangels in the universal church. This day brings a smile to my face as my name also reflects the angels.
I believe we are all at one time or another in each others lives angels. We send heavenly messages to each other. On the flip side, and I don't wish to dwell on this now, we can often times be messengers from the opposing team.
But it is the heavenly messengers that bring light, love and hope. Last night, my new friend Michelle brought a heavenly message to me. The truth of our hearts we can most assuredly deny and do our own will. But God is the author of our hearts and of love and HIS will will be done or it is to our detriment. We must simply open, surrender and agree.
As my friend and I were discussing, to love is not an easy call. For both man edify's woman and woman teaches man how to love. A man and a woman love on a superficial realm in the beginning. He loves with his eyes and the emotions that flow from his heart based on that and the woman's qualities. The woman loves what she hears and receives from the man. She loves his words and his gifts of love and service.
This is all wonderful and necessary but the call to love is deeper. It reaches into the heart of truly putting the other before yourself. This means that other important relationships and other things that are important to you take second place. For it is really how a new creation is born. It is a hard call. We all have things we hold dear to our heart. And I dare say those same things is what is an obstacle in our relationship with God.
We are to love God first and then everyone else and everything else. It is not based on conditions or in certain circumstances, it is absolute. But we put our work, our hobbies, our money, our children, our parents, our passions, our intellect, our pride or our self preservation first. Our treasures are all unique and not necessarily just one.
I know the one story many people have a stumbling block with is the story of Abraham and Isaac. (Genesis 22:1-9; For an interesting analysis God had promised Abraham many things thru Isaac and yet was now asking to slay him.
In Abraham's view he had faith that God would reconcile the act somehow because of God's earlier promises and so he was going to follow through having full faith that God would vindicate him. It was a test of faith. As we know an angel came and stopped Abraham from slaying Isaac.
Which brings us to tests. God tested Abraham. Whether we like it or not tests help ferret out loyalty and trust. It is not conditional or based on the circumstances.
How many of us would pass this test? I dare say not many even if God had earlier promised blessings predicated on Isaac living. We would rationalize that God does not work this way, that it must be satan giving this suggestion and we are mistaking it for God.
The thing is God wants us to surrender and trust him. Of course He does not want what is bad for us but what is good. And sometimes what is good is disguised in what we think we don't want. None of us want to suffer, to give up what is dear to us, and yet loves call is that and it is for our greater good.
Abraham's acts of faith gave him even greater faith and his honor multiplied. He is the Father of the faithful and by Jesus referred to him as "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." Obviously the sacrifice of his son was also a symbolic of God's love for us where by Jesus his only begotten was sacrificed for us. And yet again the glory and triumph of Jesus resurrection and to whom every knee will bow was the reward.
We have to trust. I have to trust that God's will will be done and I must just surrender my heart to him and trust that the love he has put there will be for my greater good.
Which bring me back to my friend Michelle and the call to the vocation of marital love which obviously happens before the marital vows are spoken. For God brings two souls together for His purpose and those two can not have any other person or thing before that love or it can not be. It does not depend on the circumstances or conditions. Love is a gift from God and we either surrender to it or impose our own will when the trials get to hard or the tests are too great.
Love is not a legal contract or dependent on where the relationship is at. It is all encompassing and a purging. It purges us of our pride, our other interests, our work and other attachments. In our Catholic ceremony the priest is just a witness to the public profession of love before God. God brought them together and what God brought together no man should try to divide. That love was there before the vows and the vows simply make it formal and the bodies then reflect what the souls already know, the self surrender to one another and in that self surrender open to the gift of God love and sometimes children.
Marriage is a symbol or a sacrament that mirrors our relationship with God. The new creation puts God first. It is not two individuals putting God first but a new creation of one with two members putting God first and by natural extension each other.
Do we naturally love this way? Yes and no. Yes I think God call's us in every stage of our life to love but our fears which breed our pride often times cloud the right thing to do in love.
And this brings me back to angels. We can invoke their help in prayer and supplication. We can pray to the others guardian angel for help in helping them guide their way.
And we must trust that those angels have very special heavenly messages for us and it is up to us to listen and surrender and follow because we trust God and His plan. Thank you God, Our Heavenly Father, for Angels, Our Heavenly Messengers.
Labels: Abraham, Angels, God, Guardian Angel, Heavenly Messengers, Jesus, Love, Marriage, Our Heavenly father, sacrifice, St. Gabriel, St. Micheal, St. Raphael, treasures
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Begin the Dream by Letting Go
Sometimes the most painful experiences teach us the most. Conventional wisdom and listening to others when you know deep in you that love does not work this way but you follow it anyway help in the process forward. The process of trusting yourself and when God speaks to you becomes the most important voice to hear.
This theme of letting go is a constant. Especially for women raised in a take charge culture. In work and in many aspects of life, logic and the knowledge of human nature has guided me. But oddly when it comes to relationships, my logic and knowledge of human nature seems to go awry.
Somehow personal relationships wake up in me a tenacity when I am attached and I create hope. And a suspension of disbelief happens as it happens in movies, except this is real life. It is my life.
When all is said and done and the dust settles, the truth becomes clear. And the illusions fade away.
But this is a good thing. Grounded in the here and now, even though I know I am just passing through this life, makes me realize that for matters of the heart---I have to discern and evaluate and weigh before I embark on that magical journey of dating. And even after that guarding my heart until a man proves himself worthy. These checks will weed out the impostors.
Sometimes too while waiting on other career dreams accidents can wake us up to embracing what is really important and letting go of the rest. It finally helps us to really pursue our deeper dreams and move forward.
Sometimes letting go means letting God give you really good gifts and treating yourself. After all we are supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves and so we start with just love of self.
Letting go can really mean giving yourself and God the freedom to give you the great gifts. And sometimes those gifts come in a manner you don't see and in unexpected places.
Here is to letting go and letting God give you the great gifts. But be wary of impostors both within you and without. And as you navigate the world and our humanity, listen to the still small voice and let go of the rest of the noise. What is truly meant for you will be made manifest. And in the meantime treat yourself to the gifts that you can prudently and begin the dream by letting go!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Confession is Good for the Soul
This was penned a while ago and I have added and edited a bit.
As we enter into ordinary time after celebrating Corpus Christi where we as Catholics not only accept but celebrate and are grateful and humbled in Jesus hard saying take eat my body and drink my blood. John 6: 53-60. We are reminded of that special and most precious grace of receiving the Eucharist.
Another grace and a habit I incorporated during Lent that yielded lots of good fruit was Confession or in the Church they call it Reconciliation. As Jesus said whose sins you forgive are forgiven and whose sins you retain are retained. John 20:21-23
Aside from feeling a weight lifted once you confess, I found also a grace in getting help to become better or holier.
As we enter into ordinary time after celebrating Corpus Christi where we as Catholics not only accept but celebrate and are grateful and humbled in Jesus hard saying take eat my body and drink my blood. John 6: 53-60. We are reminded of that special and most precious grace of receiving the Eucharist.
Another grace and a habit I incorporated during Lent that yielded lots of good fruit was Confession or in the Church they call it Reconciliation. As Jesus said whose sins you forgive are forgiven and whose sins you retain are retained. John 20:21-23
Aside from feeling a weight lifted once you confess, I found also a grace in getting help to become better or holier.
We all have shortcomings that are part and parcel of who we are but it is good to recognize that and what pushes the buttons and how you can manage them the next time it happens.
I am not very proud of my two weaker attributes. One is my temper and the other my stubbornness. Channeled properly this can fuel action and gives courage when needed but not channeled properly it can leave some pretty ruffled feathers and wreak havoc on me and in turn God when I become frustrated at repeated attempts to fill my needs.
A book called Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly has been floating around the Parishes during Christmas and Easter. It is mainly geared toward lapsed know the ones that only go at Christmas and Easter. However, I found a lot of things that apply to me. Conversion is a slow and painful process...especially for those of us who are stubborn.:-)
I started reading it and found some great wisdom in it. I particularly liked the section on Confession and the struggles we have with it. The excuses we come up with are kind of funny. Well why do I have to go to a priest to confess when I can go straight to God? Or, I will only confess to a random priest that does not know me. As if the priest will think less of you if he does.
Mr. Kelly points out astutely that if we don't confess to a priest, we rarely will do it on our knees. Also, confessing to someone who knows you is more beneficial because they do know you and can help counsel you...especially when you struggle with the same issues. He made a great analogy. You don't go to a doctor you don't know when you are sick. You prefer someone who knows you so they know your history. The same would apply to a physician of the soul.
For me the priest who is getting to know me and is my regular confessor now is also my spiritual director. Because he knows my aspirations, dreams and heart confessions with him are powerful.
A few weeks ago, I confessed my temper anger with God and how badly I treated myself and I balled. I was not only sorry, I know God loves me and that I love Him.
Having someone well formed in the faith, like my spiritual director, who knows the difference between attachment and healthy relationships and the sanctity of a marital union has helped me feel validated and at least intellectually aware that I made the right decisions moving on in my recent relationships. It is just a sad fact it takes the heart a long time to catch up with that. I pray with God's grace that it will soon be free again. But in the meantime my heart has potent energy for the roles that will come my way with my artistic craft of acting.
Many blessing are now taking place because my focus is primarliy on the art now.
It is true, you dream, you set goals and you move forward...if it be God's will the doors will open. And if your dream and passion are strong enough and align with what God made you for and what he wants from you, you will wait a very long time for your dream to materialize..waiting on God and His will and His timing.
As a side note since that confession a few weeks heart has caught up, and I am so truly grateful there is now room at the inn.:-) God's grace is powerful....powerful indeed.
As a side note since that confession a few weeks heart has caught up, and I am so truly grateful there is now room at the inn.:-) God's grace is powerful....powerful indeed.
Let us remind ourselves to "Be patient for I am GOD and I do things for the good of you"...and avail ourselves to the graces of confession when we fall short and the grace to become better because...Confession is Good for the Soul.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Praying is an Act of Love
Ahh..another intense and real blog. I thought I would lighten it up with a cute pic. Those that know me know my love for cats.
My faith is very strong but I am not immune to self-doubt. Sometimes I do things that I know will not bring me happiness long term in order to escape pain. Then I attach a divine hope to it and then when it falls apart I blame myself and God for false hope. Crazy yes.
The particular event I am about to share although not pretty is real. After some frustration with missed plans, some champagne, frustration in a relationship and also after a couple of false starts to relationships, and of course the final stages of grieving a failed engagement, I lost it. I basically had a temper tantrum with God. It was not pretty and I was powerless to control it.
It had been coming and it finally blew full board. All my positive spins failed as reality stared me in the face. Hope is in the future but hope is also in the present and when it falls apart repeatedly, it can damage your confidence in your self-perception, your judgements and finally your self-worth.
Shocking...that this could happen to me. Shocking that that anger toward God and self could come full board. Just the thoughts and words and what I did with my anger was not only scary but draining. I was trying to control my frustration and how I dealt with be passive and it sent me careening out of control.
Yes prayer is taking action, but sometimes when it involves a relationship that is causing frustration, we have to assess what we want, what we need and just ask. Its not a demand, it should ideally not be expressed in the throes of anger, although anger signals something is wrong..a need is going unmet repeatedly but it does need to be said. It triggers a sweet melody of a song I have enjoyed in the past...say what you need to say.
After anger becomes apparent, I need to assess, if passive and prayer has not worked for me then I have to take the next step and address my needs in the most positive way I can. Will they meet my needs? Maybe, maybe not but at least that cycle will end.
Furthermore, what shocked me the most about this tantrum with God and trying to control my disappointment was what happened the next day. Underneath all of that was very real hurt and fear. I was deeply hurt and I was afraid of being hurt again..very afraid of being vulnerable and expressing my needs with someone new. But I was taking that step...and the hurt and fear surfaced.
The next thing that happened was even more shocking. I flippantly disregarded my tantrum and what that meant of what I thought of ME until mass came. As I typically do, after communion, I began to pray for friends and I picture them in my mind as I pray. By the time I was at my second friend, I started sobbing...being at mass with a bunch of people I don't know, I tried to channel it without causing too much commotion.
Why was I sobbing? Because I suddenly realized the good I have done. That God's grace thru me has touched so many people on deep levels and how on earth could I think my life did not matter? How much pain that would cause and the deep self- reflective despair.
How could I think and feel that way toward myself? Hurting me was in essence hurting all those I loved. And this was pointed out in a huge way just by going to pray.
And I realized that praying is talking, thanking and asking God to help those in need. Some are dear friends and some are no longer in my life, some are in another world and some are still here working it out. And of course I pray for me. In that act of prayer, I am expressing confidence and love toward my maker and I am expressing love and confidence for the people I am praying for.
I never knew that praying in humility and confidence was one of highest acts of love you can give. You remember what God has done for you and others. Specifically, how he has blessed me and others. I remember how I have touched and been touched by so many people and that in turn helped me recognize in just as a reflexive reaction as my temper own humbling self-worth.
Thank you God for being patient and merciful and loving. Thank you for teaching me the value and worth of each soul including my own. And thank you for teaching me to pray and deepening it for I recognize now that Praying is an Act of Love.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Peace Be Unto You
I was going to write about another topic but decided this one was far better given the Easter season and what has inspired me.
When Jesus came back after the resurrection, the oft phrase he used in greeting and leaving was "Peace be unto you." I won't be getting into the theological significance of that but instead a share one view of a personal experience I am going thru.
My journey the last year has been unique and interesting. I had and came out of one of the more significant relationships in my life. My tenacity and intellectual desire to fix what was not right came out in a big way. But something that needs to be fixed repeatedly is simply something that at best does not work and at worst is broken.
I learned that all that glitters is not gold. I learned that fast is not good. I learned that ignoring my intuition is not good. I mistook desire and need for love. I learned that God indeed speaks to us and cares and that I finally had the courage to listen and act. I am learning to trust that what God has in mind for me is much better. I am learning by experience that 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is true.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
In the midst of this process, God was and is weaving something else for me. It was something I could not have foreseen. It is something that began and grew under the most unusual of circumstances and kept growing in the silence of my struggles. It is something that survived my grieving and eventual loss of my prior relationship.
It quite simply was a friendship that was blooming, and the peace that came from it as the value, care and freedom afforded it manifested itself was not anything I had experienced before.
No one knows what the future holds. But I am grateful that despite all my struggles this last year, that one strong and unwavering light still burns brightly. I am grateful that I can experience freedom and yet feel valued and wanted and supported.
And most of all I am grateful that God is in charge and not I. May HIS will be done, and may you too surrender to HIS will and experience many precious and very sweet moments of peace. May they grow to be permanent no matter what the circumstances or what you are feeling at the moment. Because what he is weaving in you and in all of us if we trust and follow is Gold, a pure heart of Gold for HIS glory. Peace be unto you.
Labels: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, glory, God, heart of gold, Jesus, kind, Love, patient, Peace, perseveres, protecting, surrendering.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Happy Lent!
The Catholic liturgical calendar has a rhythm. And although every year we celebrate everything all over again, Lent on Ash Wednesday does not start on the same date and hence Easter is not on the same date.
This year in 2014, Lent started a little late, and I am grateful it did. This Lent does not have the same meaning for me as it did last year. Last year I saw it as just temporarily giving up certain things. This year I saw it as drawing even closer to God by yes giving up things but also giving and getting Closer to God with spiritual practices.
First, I have been going to confession and adoration once per week. When I broke that rhythm, I actually felt off. Second, I am giving up sugar, and alcohol. A side benefit is it had helped my waistline Thirdly, I am also eating moderately and volunteered in Skid Row to feed those who go hungry more often that not. I also gave out packets of water and snacks to those I find begging and money when I did not have it. I made me realize how often I have gone ignoring those in need. Praying for them is essential but when you can give something, it feels really good.
This Lent I gave up some thing I did not know I would and even withdrew my facebook account. It actually feels so liberating, I may do it past Lent. All the unexpected giving up has been liberating. A sure sign I am going in the right direction. And praise be to God so many wonderful doors are opening.
Lent has taught me that at the heart of love, along with passion, attachment and forgiveness is sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice? What am I willing to sacrifice? Are there limits?
If you choose freely to love without limits, it is then that we are in true communion with God and love. The rich fruit will be there if you give up what limits your capacity to love.
Some of the fruits so far of this Lent for me have been joy and peace. Trusting in the Lord 100%, I know that my actions and the actions of others will always lead to truth and love. Relationships like the liturgical calendar have rhythms too, and eventually the music becomes clear what purpose the relationship has or had.
This Lent has also been trying, as there are moments in trials that I realize that I have even more growth in that deep confidence in God and letting him lead the way.
This Lent has also been trying, as there are moments in trials that I realize that I have even more growth in that deep confidence in God and letting him lead the way.
Leaning on God draws me closer to who I really am and that is a beautiful place to be. It lets me know I am justified for my needs and that God will provide amply if I just lean on and trust in HIM. It is has also been a big blessing when I see the signs thru others and my spiritual director of what real love looks like. It has also been a time of grace for my friendships as well.
Deep faith and deep trust in God is a rock to lean on as it buoys us in the opportunities and joys and sustains us and gives us hope in the losses and sorrows. In each event we draw God/Love closer to us and are sanctified as we celebrate each moment of this passing life.
As we embrace this last two weeks of Lent, let us keep the faith. Next week is the most trying, the most beautiful and ends in the most Glorious and I feel blessed to celebrate that in communion with my family in Peru.
As we embrace this last two weeks of Lent, let us keep the faith. Next week is the most trying, the most beautiful and ends in the most Glorious and I feel blessed to celebrate that in communion with my family in Peru.
This Lent, finding God in the every day and every moment has brought me joy and peace. And I can end with one scripture I find inspirational...Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Happy Lent!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Love is Enough
As we start the new year, all of our goals and wishes really surround our desire for more joy and I don't know anyone that does not need more love in their life.
A friend recently told me of a failed romance that sometimes Love is not enough. He said it as if mimicking something some therapist or wayward counselor had told him. Let's examine that statement.
If Love/God is not enough than that invalidates Jesus love and sacrifice redeeming us. His LOVE is not enough? He loved us first, suffering pain, humiliation, giving up everything in this life for love of God and ultimately love for us. When we let this love in, we are touched on such a deep level we love back. It is the natural response. However, He gave all and loved us first.
Is a mother's love not enough for a child? A healthy and instinctual mother will love a child unto her death. Is a husband's love not enough? A good one will sacrifice to provide materially, emotionally and every which way and will even sacrifice his own life to protect and defend his wife. What woman would ever leave a man that would do this? Not many.
Jesus commanded us to love God and each other as ourselves. He said
"Greater love hath no man than this, that man lay down his life for his friends". John 15:13 How many are friends like that?
No it's not that love is not enough, it's that my friend did not really love. Or he did not love the woman he was in relationship with. As a woman we tend to receive and give back the love a man gives. If it's a counterfeit you give then you usually don't get much back. Oftentimes we give up what we can part with what's easy, its when we are faced with difficult choices, choices were even a compromise seems too difficult, that's when we see what love is or what it is not.
But all is not lost because by realizing that it was not love they were pulled necessarily closer to God/Love and in due time they will be strong enough to love the way God intended them to love either in single vocation or with another person where God wills.
But all is not lost because by realizing that it was not love they were pulled necessarily closer to God/Love and in due time they will be strong enough to love the way God intended them to love either in single vocation or with another person where God wills.
This new year if we strive to get closer to God/Love we will naturally grow to the next level of Love. Love is not without sacrifice but it's fruits are unbridled joy and fulfillment both in relationship and individual accomplishment.
As we strive to be in shape and better our appearance. hopefully we do so to honor God and hopefully our mate or future mate. If we strive for an intellectual/educational/ career goal we should strive to do this in the service of God and our fellow human beings. One thing is certain some focuses merit a single life vocation and others the married life. We can love no matter which we are called to but we must be intellectually honest and see where our path has lead us and where we want to go.
Let us choose each day in 2014 to be more disciplined, so we can have more freedom and so we can ultimately choose to love. May God bless you all in your dreams and aspirations this year of 2014, and know that with God/Love anything is possible. Because God/Love is Enough.