Sunday, January 5, 2025

End of Christmas...ordinary time


Today I took down the Christmas ornaments and lights and other Christmas decorations.  The tree stands barren with a nativity scene as the focus on Christ's birthday and baby Jesus shifts to ordinary time tomorrow.

Ordinary time which is most of the time in the Church calendar year. Of course no time is ordinary in our lives. But there are seasons in Christ's life that are poignant.  His birth and what that means and his passion and resurrection and what that means.
Each teaches us something no matter how many times we celebrate and travel alongside.

But the end of Christmas is different from the end of Lent. Lent has the culmination of Easter and a 50 day celebration after 40 days of Lenten fast. The end of Christmas is the end of awe, wonder, and joy. We know what comes next in the not too distant future. But today I reflect on the trust, innocence and wondrous deed of the incarnation. Today the three magi arrive days later to see what we could not see. I wonder if we could really see if we were there. But I am comforted by Christ saying that blessed are those who believe even though they did not see.

On a personal note, this Christmas season brought about many little miracles that continue my phase of a new direction and beginning. The prevailing sentiment is peace mixed with a little bit of a roller coaster. What gives me peace is that God's will is always accomplished. It becomes easier when we allow and cooperate with his guidance and voice. 

So as tomorrow begins ordinary time, may the end of Christmas infuse it with extraordinary thoughts and actions being led by the Lord.


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